Emanuel and
Mira Riva, a couple from Tel Aviv, have orphaned two teenage daughters of 15 and 17 years after
being shot at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on 24 May. An official spokesman
and a volunteer at the museum have also been killed in this attack. Although
the media has not given too much coverage to the event, perhaps due to its coincidence
with the European elections, the killings raise enough questions to think very
seriously about them. Are they the symptom of a transnational underlying
problem that we refuse to see or simply the consequence of a political and
security issue which should only be read internally in Israel? Or, what is
the same was one or more of the murdered specific and targeted objectives or
only the unfortunate victims at the wrong place and time? Did the murderer
choose on purpose to commit these murders in such an emblematic place as the
Jewish Museum in Brussels, not only the Belgian capital but also the European
Union, on the day on which the new parliament was being elected or did it
happened just because the target was there? It is clear that there are many
possible theories about the reason or reasons for the crime.